Monday 1st July
Deadlift 8×3
Strict pull up 3xmax
Met Con:
4 rds
400m run
2 mins rest
Deadlift 8×3
Strict pull up 3xmax
Met Con:
4 rds
400m run
2 mins rest
Gym closed:
1 power clean + 1 clean + 1 jerk x5
Squat 3,3,3
Met Con:
Armed forces day wod
7 rds
29 wall balls 9/6kg
6 clean & jerk 60/40kg
13 pull ups
Deadlift 3×5
Weighted pull up 3,3,3,3,3
Met Con:
5 rds
6 power snatch 60/42.5kg
25 double unders
Muscle up 3xmax
Toes to bar 3xmax
Met Con:
50 chest to bar pull ups
50 ring dips
50 weighted sit ups
50 burpees
Team WOD:
Deadlift 8×3
Press 3×5
Met Con:
Working in pairs complete
10 rds of
15-30-15m sprint
8 KB clean & Jerk
8 burpee tuck jumps
*1 works while 1 rests changing over after each complete round.
** KB’s as heavy as possible.
Snatch 5×3
On the min for 10 mins complete
2 Front squats
Met Con:
Death by power clean 60/42.5kg
In pairs complete 100 pull ups for time
Open Gym:
Push press 3,3,3,3,3
Plate abs 3×10
Met Con:
3x 4 min AMRAP’s
1: 10 Pull ups, 10 Burpees
2: 5 KB snatch L, 5 KB sn. R, 10 push ups
3: 4 Deadlifts 140/95kg, 10 wall balls 9/6kg
* 1 min rest between each AMRAP
** KB weight, go as heavy as possible