Saturday 31st May
Deadlift 6×3
Met Con:
3 rds
21 ring dips
15 box jumps 24/20″
9 overhead squats 60/40kg
Deadlift 6×3
Met Con:
3 rds
21 ring dips
15 box jumps 24/20″
9 overhead squats 60/40kg
Strength Met Con:
For 16 mins complete
5 push press on even mins
5 chest to bar pull ups + 5 toes to bar on odd mins
Met Con:
In a pair complete 5000m row changing every 500m
Snatch 6×2
Squat 2,2,2,2,max rep at 85% of heaviest 2
Met Con:
Ben’s birthday wod
10 min AMRAP
36 push ups
36 power cleans 50/35kg
36 push ups
36 power cleans 70/45kg
36 push ups
Max power cleans 90/55kg
5-10 mins partner handstand practice
In a team of 3 achieve a total score for:
Max strict pull ups
Max time L-sit
* use a round robin format for 3 rounds. All team members perform their pulls ups straight after each other (no breaks), then L-sits, pull ups, L-sit etc.
Met Con:
In your team complete:
150 thrusters 45/30kg
1000m partner carry (1 team member carried at all times)
150 KB swings 32/24kg
Clean + front squat + jerk 5×2
Squat 3,3,3
Met Con:
5 rds
5 ring muscle ups
5 KB snatch L 32/24kg
5 KB snatch R 32/24kg
5 strict handstand push ups
Bar muscle up 5×5
*hold a 40 sec dish after each set
Met Con:
3 rds
20 chest to bar pull ups
30 push ups
40 sit ups
50 wall balls 9/6kg
3 mins recovery
Strongman Sunday
Push press + strict chest to bar pull up 5x 4+5
Strict toes to bar 3×10
Met Con:
15 clean & jerks (any style) 65/45kg
4 rds
– 10 down ups
– 10 pull ups
15 clean & jerks
Snatch 6×2
Squat 2,2,2,2,max rep at 85% of heaviest 2
Met Con:
Deadlift 100/70kg
Ring dips
10 mins handstand & handstand walk practice
L-Sit 90 sec total
Ring row 3xmax
Met Con:
800m row
30 handstand push ups
5 rope climbs
30 alt dumbbell snatches 30/20kg
5 bar muscle ups
30 sumo DL high pulls 32/24kg
5 rope climbs