Monday 30th June
For 20 mins
3 power cleans on even mins
3 ring muscle ups on odd
Met Con:
8 min AMRAP
20 over the box jumps 24/20″
20 push ups
20 double unders
For 20 mins
3 power cleans on even mins
3 ring muscle ups on odd
Met Con:
8 min AMRAP
20 over the box jumps 24/20″
20 push ups
20 double unders
Strongman Sunday
Snatch 5×3
Intermediate & Advanced:
Snatch 2,2,2,2,1,1
Met Con:
Chest to bar pull ups
Hang power cleans 60/40kg
Stoh 60/40kg
5-10 mins Handstand practice
Strict pull up 3xmax
L-sit 90 sec total
Met Con:
Deadlift 100/70kg
Handstand push up
Clean + front squat + jerk 5×2
Squat 5×3
Met Con:
Tabata row (total m)
Tabata sit ups
Met Con:
In a pair complete
10 rds
9 burpee pull ups
11 man makers 2×24/16
200m partner carry
Alternate rounds
Man maker = (holding the weights) strict burpee (push up version) into a squat clean thruster.
Deadlift 8×2 on the min
Met Con:
100 KB swings 32/24kg
100 push ups
100 pistols
100 ring rows
For 16 mins complete
6 push press on even mins
6 strict chest to bar pull ups on odd (use weight if needed)
Met Con:
3 rds
15 overhead squats 70/45kg
15 ring dips
15 toes to bar
Strongman Sunday
5-10 mins Handstand practice
Strict pull up 3xmax
L-sit 90 sec total
Met Con:
16 min AMRAP
5 power cleans 80/55
30 oh lunges 20/10
5 ring muscle ups
30 sit ups