
Friday 1st August

By |2014-07-31T21:38:44+00:00July 31st, 2014|Workout Of the Day|

Handstand or HS walk 5-10 mins
Skin the cat 3×3 straight into max ring pull ups after the last rep.

Met Con:
3 rds
500m row
15 overhead squats 40/30kg
3 rope climbs

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Wednesday 30th July

By |2014-07-29T22:52:12+00:00July 29th, 2014|Workout Of the Day|

Met Con 1:
In a team of 3
Max prowler shuttles in 7 mins 50/20kg on the prowler

Met Con 2:
In a team of 3 complete
60 muscle ups
75 ball to shoulder 75/40kg
90 handstand push ups
*divide as needed

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Tuesday 29th July

By |2014-07-29T07:55:18+00:00July 29th, 2014|Workout Of the Day|

Overhead squat 1,1,1,1,1,1,1
Round the world 3×10

Met Con:
round 1 =
8 deadlifts 70/50kg
7 cleans 70/50kg
6 snatches 70/50kg
8 pull-ups
7 chest-to-bar pull-ups
6 bar muscle-ups
round 2 =
6 DL, 5 Cleans, 4 Sn, 6 PU, 5 C2B, 4 MU
round 3 =
4 DL, 3 Cleans, 2 Sn, 4 PU, 3 C2B, 2 MU

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Monday 28th July

By |2014-07-27T18:47:23+00:00July 27th, 2014|Workout Of the Day|

Weighted pull up 3,3,3,3,3
Perform max weighted ring dips after each set.

Met Con:
500m row or 400m run
50 KB/DB thrusters 2×20/12kg
30 burpees
1000m row or 1000m run
30 burpees
50 KB thrusters
500m row or 400m run

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Saturday 26th July

By |2014-07-25T21:53:57+00:00July 25th, 2014|Workout Of the Day|

Handstand or HS walk 5-10 mins
Skin the cat 3×3 straight into max ring pull ups after the last rep.

Met Con:
100 double unders
20 ball to shoulder 60/40kg
800m run
20 ball to shoulder
100 double unders

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Wednesday 23rd July

By |2014-07-22T22:29:38+00:00July 22nd, 2014|Workout Of the Day|

Front squat 5×4
Round the world 3×10

Met Con:
In a pair complete
Stoh 60/40
Pull ups

*partner A completes the 25’s then partner B does. Then A moves onto the 21’s followed by B etc….

The non working partner must hold a plank variation while the other works.

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