Monday 1st December
Log clean + 2 STOH x5
Weighted pull ups 5×5
Met Con:
150 push ups
*on the min including the first 8 KB swings 32/24kg
Log clean + 2 STOH x5
Weighted pull ups 5×5
Met Con:
150 push ups
*on the min including the first 8 KB swings 32/24kg
Gym Closed
Muscle up 3xmax
Kipping toes to bar technique
Ab sequence x3
Met Con:
Pairs wod
Partner A 10m sprint + 1 ball over shoulder 75/40kg + 10m sprint
Partner B 10m sprint + 1 ball over shoulder 75/40kg + 10m sprint
Partner A 10m sprint + 2 ball over shoulder + 10m sprint
Partner B 10m sprint + 2 ball over shoulder + 10m sprint
Continue up to 5 ball to shoulder and the back down.
Squat 5×2
Push press 3×3
Met Con:
In memory of Rijn
2 rds
29 squats
Run 200m
29 burpees
Run 200m
29 jumping lunges
Run 200m
29 push ups
Run 200m
Snatch 5×3
Met Con:
Part A
In a 6 minute window complete:
150 double unders
30 pullups
Then, in the remaining time, AMRAP of ring muscle ups
Rest 2:00
Part B
Complete 1 clean every minute for 10 minutes at a preselected weight. Score = weight x successful lifts.
Pistol squat tech
Ring dip 3xmax
Partner Med ball sit ups
Met Con:
Pairs WOD
10 rds
5 deadlifts 125/80kg
6 lengths shuttle sprint with down up at each end
15 push ups
Log clean + 2 STOH x5
Weighted pull ups 5×5
Met Con:
500m row
50 toes to bar
500m row
*everytime you drop from the t2b perform 5 Burpees.
Snatch + OH squat x6
Power Clean + hang clean x5
Met Con:
Front squat 90/55
Kb stoh 2×32/24
Chest to bar pull up
Strongman Sunday
Squat 5×2
Push press 3×3
Met Con:
50 chest to bar pull ups
3 cleans 100/55kg
50 ring dips
2 cleans
50 kb swings 28/20kg
1 clean
50 Burpees