Saturday 1st August
Snatch 5×3
6 sets of clean pull + hang clean + C&J
OH squat 5rm
Deadlift 10 T&G reps
Snatch 5×3
6 sets of clean pull + hang clean + C&J
OH squat 5rm
Deadlift 10 T&G reps
Grants birthday wod:
1xmax Deficit HS push ups
1xmax Strict HS push ups
1xmax Kipping HS push ups
Round the world 3×10
Met Con:
1 mile run
50 muscle ups
*every time you break 25 double unders
1 mile run
Adaption of the Cf games final event.
Met Con 1:
6 legless rope climbs
24 cal row
400m run
8 DB squat snatch 40/30kg
2 mins rest
Met Con 2:
12 deficit hspu
24 cal row
400m run
8 deadlifts 185/117.5kg
Front squat heavy single
Then 3×5
GHD back extension 2×15
Met Con:
For 10 mins complete
5 hang power cleans on even mins
8 box jumps on odd mins 30/24″
For 10 mins complete
3 cleans on even
10 burpees on odd
Log push press to a heavy single
Then 3×5
Weighted ring row 4×8
Met Con:
10 min AMRAP
15 deficit handstand push ups
30 double unders
15 chest to bar pull ups
30 double unders
15 ring dips
30 double unders
15 toes to bar
30 double unders
Met Con 1:
CF Games event 10
Thruster 75/52.5kg
Bar muscle ups
10 min cap
Met Con 2:
4 rds
400m run
2 lengths slam ball carry 75/50kg
Gym closed
1xmax Deficit HS push ups
1xmax Strict HS push ups
1xmax Kipping HS push ups
Round the world 3×10
Met Con:
STOH 70/47.5kg
Chest to bar pull ups
Met Con:
1000m run
20 gtoh 40/27.5kg
35 Over the box jumps 24/20″
50 chest to bar pull ups
35 over the box jumps
20 gtoh
1000m run
Gary’s Birthday wod
Squat to a heavy single
then 3×5
GHD back extension 2×15
Met Con:
Sprint chipper
19 cal row
6 ball to shoulder 75/50kg
9 back squats (taken from floor) 80/50kg
46 KB swings 32/24kg