Thursday 1st October
Muscle up 1xmax
Bularian ring dip 5×5
Met Con:
5 rds
10 deficit handstand push ups
15 toes to bar
30 double unders
Muscle up 1xmax
Bularian ring dip 5×5
Met Con:
5 rds
10 deficit handstand push ups
15 toes to bar
30 double unders
Squat 2,2,2,2,2
Met Con:
Alternating tabata for 8 mins
Deadlift 120/80kg
Kb push press 2×24/16kg
Met Con:
26 min AMRAP
10 pull ups
15 kb swings 24/16kg
20 box jumps 24/20″
Power clean 5×3
Strict pull up 3xmax
Met Con:
15 ball to shoulder 60/40kg
20 ring dips
10 ball to shoulder
15 ring dips
5 ball to shoulder
10 ring dips
Gym Closed
Snatch pull + hang snatch + snatch 6 sets
Met Con:
For 20 mins complete
3 cleans on even mins
5 muscle ups on odd mins
Muscle up 1xmax
Bularian ring dip 5×5
Met Con:
15 min amrap
6 strict hspu
9 burpees
12 toes to bar
Met Con:
League of Legends wod 2:
With a 16 min running clock
Part A:
Max metres row in 10 mins using a 30 sec work, 30 sec rest format.
Part B:
5 rm DL t&g in the remaining 6 mins.
Squat 2,2,2,2,2
Met Con:
5 rds
3 rope climbs
400m run
3 rope climbs
12 DB/KB squat cleans 2×24/16kg
Power clean 5×3
Strict pull up 3xmax
Met Con:
4 rds
10 Alt DB/kb snatch 40/28kg
10 burpees