
Thursday 30th June

By |2016-06-30T08:45:59+00:00June 30th, 2016|Workout Of the Day|

Strict handstand push up 3×8
Kipping chest to bar 21,15,9

Met Con:
15 min AMRAP
6 knees to elbow
9 push press 50/35kg
15 box jumps 24/20″

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Tuesday 28th June

By |2016-06-27T22:42:02+00:00June 27th, 2016|Workout Of the Day|

For 16 mins complete
3 deadlifts on even mins
3-6 muscle ups on odd

Met Con:
3 rds
7 squat cleans 75/50kg
15 ring dips

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Wednesday 22nd June

By |2016-06-21T19:44:21+00:00June 21st, 2016|Workout Of the Day|

Snatch 5×3

Met Con:
In a team of 4 complete
80 ball to shoulder 60/40kg
160 toes to bar
160 over the box jumps 24/20″
160 ring dips
*the team is divide into pairs, 1 pair will complete the exercises while the other completes a 400m run. Change over every time the running pair returns.

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