Thursday 1st December
2 Cleans and 2 Jerks x5
BB Cycling 3×10 Power Snatch
Met Con:
4 Rounds
12 Alternate KB Snatches
10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
2 Cleans and 2 Jerks x5
BB Cycling 3×10 Power Snatch
Met Con:
4 Rounds
12 Alternate KB Snatches
10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Weighted Dips 5×5 + 10 unbroken Chest to Bar after each set
Met Con:
100 Double Unders
50 Toes to Bar
50 Front Rack Lunges 60kg/40kg
25 Handstand Push Ups
Squat 5×3 + 10 Strict Toes to Bar
Met Con:
Deadlifts 110kg/75kg
Ring Dips
Snatch 5×2
BB Cycling 3×10 Power Clean and Jerk
Met Con:
12 min AMRAP
12 Burpees
18 KB Swings 32kg/24kg
24 Double Unders
Strict Pull Ups 3xMax
Gymnastics Cycling 21,15,9 HSPU
Met Con:
30 Squat Cleans 70kg/47.5kg
On the minute, 3 Over the Bar Burpees
2 Cleans + 2 Jerks x5
BB Cycling 3×10 Power Snatch
Met Con:
15 Min AMRAP
8 STOH 2x28kg/2x20kg KB
16 Jumping Lunges
1 Rope Climb
Weighted Dips 5×5 + 10 unbroken CTB after each set
Met Con:
5 Rounds
200m Run
20 Knees to Elbows
20 Overhead Lunges 65kg/45kg
Squat 5×3 + 10 Strict T2B
Met Con:
4 Rounds
25 KB Swings 24kg/16kg
50 Double Unders
Snatch 5×2
Barbell Cycling – Power Clean and Jerk 3×10
Met Con:
5 Rounds
5 Deadlifts 150kg/100kg
10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
In a pair alternating, each complete:
500m,400m,300m,200m,100m Rows
Met Con:
15 Min AMRAP
10 HSPU 3″deficit/rx
20 Pistol Squats
20 Sit Ups