Thursday 1st June
Snatch 5×3
2 cleans + 2 jerks x5
Barbell cycling:
3 unbroken sets of:
12 power snatch
12 oh squats
Snatch 5×3
2 cleans + 2 jerks x5
Barbell cycling:
3 unbroken sets of:
12 power snatch
12 oh squats
On the min for 10 mins
5 strict chest to bar + 10+ push ups
Met Con:
In a pair complete
10 rds (alternating rds)
10 deadlifts 120/75kg
5 over the bar burpees
15 sit ups
Thruster 3×5
Squat 3×5
Met Con:
3 rds
20 front squats 45/30kg
15 pull ups
Gym closed
Gym closed
For 16 mins complete
4 front squats on even mins
8 strict KB (2xKB’s) press on odd mins
Met Con:
Sprint chipper
50 wall balls
30 kb swings 36/28kg
15 chest to bar pull ups
Snatch 5×3
2 cleans + 2 jerks x5
Barbell cycling:
3x unbroken sets
15 Power cleans
10 Front squats
5 stoh
90 sec recovery
On the min for 10 mins
5 strict chest to bar + 10+ push ups
Met Con:
In a pair complete
160 toes to bar
160 burpee box jumps
160 med ball sit ups
160 DB snatch 22.5/15kg
Thruster 5×5
Met Con:
For time:
50 single kb oh lunges 32/24kg
100 double unders
50 wall ball shots
10 rope climbs or 50 pull ups
50 wall ball shots
100 double unders
50 single kb oh lunges 32/24kg
Bar muscle up 3xmax
L-sit (on box, parallettres, weights, floor) 3xmax
Met Con:
KB snatch 32/24kg
Ring dips