Saturday 1st September
Strict HSPU 3xmax
Strict toes to bar 3×10
Met Con:
5 rds
400m run
12 chest to bar pull ups
12 burpee over the box jumps 30/24”
Strict HSPU 3xmax
Strict toes to bar 3×10
Met Con:
5 rds
400m run
12 chest to bar pull ups
12 burpee over the box jumps 30/24”
For 10 mins
2 cleans every 2 mins
Met Con:
Thrusters 42.5/30kg
KB swings 32/24kg
Push Press 3,3,3
Power jerk 3,3,3
Split jerk 3,3,3
Met Con:
20 C&J 100/65kg
1x max rope pull ups
1x max strict chest to bar pull ups
1x max strict pull ups
Met Con:
3 rds
25 push press 2×22.5/15kg
500m row
25 push ups
50 double unders
Snatch 3×3
Back squat 3×5
Met Con:
Oh squats 50/35kg
Pull ups
Gym closed
Gym closed
For 10 mins
2 cleans every 2 mins
Met Con:
15 min AMRAP
5 KB c&j 2×32/24kg
1 length OH lunges 25/15kg
15 pull ups
1 length lunges
Push Press 3,3,3
Power jerk 3,3,3
Split jerk 3,3,3
Met Con:
1000m row
50 thrusters 20/15
30 pull ups
1x max rope pull ups
1x max strict chest to bar pull ups
1x max strict pull ups
Ring dip 3x max
Met Con:
3 rds
10 Hang C&J 55/37.5kg
15 Front squats 55/37.5
20 Toes to bar