Tuesday 1st January
Gym closed
Gym closed
Gym closed
Gym closed
Muscle up 3xmax
Met Con:
Mike’s birthday wod
12 minute AMRAP
32 cal row
32 deadlifts 70/47.5kg
32 power cleans 70/47.5kg
32 Wall Balls 20/14lbs
Snatch 6×2
C&J 5×3
Squat 3×5
Or for those that wish to have some cardio, instead of squats perform 3 rds
10 power snatch 60/42.5kg & 20 wall balls.
Adapted Scmalls hero wod, pairs wod with pet rock:
Run 800m *split into 4x200m performed as a relay.
Then pick up pet rocks and complete 3 rds:
50 Burpees
40 Pull-ups
30 One-legged squats
20 Kettlebell swings 32/24kg
10 Handstand push-ups
Then with no pet rock,
Run 800m *split into 4x200m performed as a relay.
Gym Closed
Gym Closed
Merry Christmas
Gym Closed
12 days of Christmas WOD:
1 Snatch 75/50
2 Burpee pull ups
3 Handstand push up
4 Power cleans 75/50
5 Toes to bar
6 Push ups
7 Front squats 75/50
8 KB swings 32/24
9 Pull ups
10 Jumping lunges
11 V-sits
12 Deadlifts 75/50
Perform 1 then 1+2 then 1+2+3 etc