
Friday 30th August

By |2019-08-25T16:08:32+00:00August 29th, 2019|Workout Of the Day|

10 mins Frog stand / planche progressions.
Hanging around the worlds 3×10

Met Con:
5 rds
10 strict press 2×24/16kg
10 chest to bar pull ups
10 dips
10 v-sits

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Wednesday 28th August

By |2019-08-25T16:01:29+00:00August 27th, 2019|Workout Of the Day|

Pistol squat 5×10 each leg
Floor press 3×10

Met Con:
3 rds of the following in a 3 min window
400m run
Max burpees
*rest 2 mins between rds

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Monday 26th August

By |2019-08-24T10:41:16+00:00August 25th, 2019|Workout Of the Day|

Team Wod:
In a team of 4 complete with 2x pet rocks 16/12 kg.
4 rds
500m weighted run (1 lap of the school)
60 synchro burpees (split into pairs)
80 synchro pull ups (split into pairs)
100 synchro air squats (split into pairs)

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Saturday 24th August

By |2019-08-22T15:00:47+00:00August 23rd, 2019|Workout Of the Day|

10 mins Frog stand / planche progressions.
Hanging around the worlds 3×10

Met Con:
5 rds
200m rum
20 kB swings 32/24kg

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