Saturday 29th February
Clean + front squat + jerk 5×2
Met Con:
500m Row
30 KB Push Press 24/16
30 Pull ups
30 Burpees
30 KB swings 28/20kg
30 Situps
30 Wall balls
0.75m Bike
Clean + front squat + jerk 5×2
Met Con:
500m Row
30 KB Push Press 24/16
30 Pull ups
30 Burpees
30 KB swings 28/20kg
30 Situps
30 Wall balls
0.75m Bike
5×20 sec handstand hold+ 3 lateral wall walks or 3 x shoulder taps
Tabata hollow / dish hold then arch / superman hold
Met Con:
20 min AMRAP
3 wall climbs
5 dips
7 toes to bar
9 box jumps 24/20″
5 x 10 back rack forward lunge
Met Con:
30 squat cleans for time 65/45kg
*On the min including the first perform 5 stoh 65/45kg
3 x max C2B pull ups then, 3 x max chin over the bar holds (supinated grip) or over ring holds
Met Con:
3 rds
20 pull ups
20 dips
20 squats
800m run
Deadlift 5×10
Met Con:
6 rds
10 DB thrusters 2×22.5/15kg
1 length lunge walk 1×32/24kg
10 toes to bar
1 length lunge walk 1×32/24kg
* KB to be held At the chest or above.
Strict press 3×8
Met Con:
Adam’s Birthday WOD
44 cal row buy in
Into 2 rounds
24 KB swings 28/20kg
400m run
24 pull ups
400m run
24 burpees
Then 44 cal row buy out
Gym closed
5×20 sec handstand hold+ 3 lateral wall walks or 3 x shoulder taps
Tabata hollow / dish hold then arch / superman hold
Met Con:
10 min AMRAP
10 handstand push-ups to 6-in. deficit
20-calorie row
30 single-leg squats, alternating
5 x 10 back rack forward lunge
Met Con:
15 Power snatch
15 OH squats
15 Over the bar burpees
3 x max C2B pull ups then, 3 x max chin over the bar holds (supinated grip) or over ring holds
Met Con:
5 rds
10 KB C&J 2×28/20kg
30 double unders