
Monday 31st May

By |2021-05-24T13:47:08+00:00May 30th, 2021|Workout Of the Day|

In teams of 3
Complete the following reps for time
100 Air Squats
100 KB swings 32 / 24kg
100 Pull ups
100 Power Cleans 50 / 35kg
100 Syncro burpees (2 team members, in syncro chest to floor)
100 Box Jumps
100 DB snatch

* Reps can be split however you like but 1 team member must be on the rower / bike at all times otherwise the other team members cannot move.
Score = max cals on bike or rower.

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Tuesday 25th May

By |2021-05-24T09:54:20+00:00May 24th, 2021|Workout Of the Day|

4 sets run as E3MOM
5 – 8 Strict HSPU (add deficit) + 5 – 8 Ring pull ups
5 min skill EMOM gymnastics skill

1.5m Assault bike or 1000m Row (Bike preference)
50 Alternating DB snatch 22.5/15kg
40 Box jumps 24/20?
30 Push ups
20 Plate GTOH 20kg / 15kg
10 Reverse burpees

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