Sunday 1st May
Hero Wod:- TAMA modified
Hero Wod:- TAMA modified
5 x 5 SLDL
5 x 10 Ring dips
In pairs 1 minute rest between rounds
1: In 4 mins Partner 1 Rows 500/400m Partner 2 Runs followed by Snatch AMRAP 60/40kg
2: In 4 mins Partner 2 Rows 500/400m Parnter 1 Runs followed by Clean & Jerk AMRAP 80/50kg
3: In 4 mins Partner 1 Rows 500/400m Partner 2 Runs followed by Deadlift AMRAP 120/80kg
5 x 3 Squat Cleans
5 x 30 secs dish hold
12 min AMRAP
30 Double Unders
20 Wallballs
10 Powercleans 50/35kg
5 x 3 Overhead Squat
3 x 10 Feet elevated Wide grip rings rows
21 T2B
21 Push Jerks 60/42.5kg
400m Run
15 T2B
15 Push Jerks 60/42.5kg
400m Run
9 T2B
9 Push Jerks 60/42.5kg
400m Run
Strength/ Skill:-
Kipping HSPU 10 mins practicing
6 rounds
12 Goblet squats 28/20kg
12 Alt. DB Snatch 22.5/15kg
12 DB Thrusters 2 x 22.5/15kg
12 KB swings 28//20kg
12 Burpees
6 sets:-
1 snatch pull + 2 hang snatch
4 x 2 Rope climbs (advanced legless)
3 power snatch
15 front squats
15 chest to bar pull ups
3 power snatch
12 front squats
12 chest to bar pull ups
3 power snatch
9 front squats
9 chest to bar pull ups
RX:- 70/50kg
4 rounds-
8 / 8 Dead stop KB DB rows (from the ground)
10 Seated KB press
45 secs Weighted russian twists
5 rounds
Assault Bike 30 / 21 Cals on 2 mins off
* record time for each interval
Hero Wod:- McGhee
5 x 3 Squat Cleans
5 x 30 secs dish hold
12 min AMRAP
250m Row
10 Thrusters 42.5/30kg
15 Pull ups
5 x 3 Overhead Squat
3 x 10 Feet elevated Wide grip rings rows
8 rounds
3 Power Snatch 55/35kg
5 Over the bar burpees
7 Toes to Bar