Monday 1st February
Strict muscle up 3xmax
Push Press 3,3,3,3,3
Met Con:
9 snatch 60/40kg
9 deficit hspu
15 cleans 60/40kg
15 strict ring dips
21 power cleans 60/40kg
21 push ups
Strict muscle up 3xmax
Push Press 3,3,3,3,3
Met Con:
9 snatch 60/40kg
9 deficit hspu
15 cleans 60/40kg
15 strict ring dips
21 power cleans 60/40kg
21 push ups
Gym closed
Jerk 3×3
Weighted pull up 5×5
Met Con:
3 rds
20 burpees
20 KB swings 24/16kg
12 push press 60/40kg
Clean pull + hang clean x6
Met Con:
10 rds
* deadlifts 130/85kg
2 rds cindy
In round 1 do 1 DL, in 2 do 2 etc
Met Con:
5 rds
20 box jumps 24/20″
12 toes to bar
1 snatch 90% of 1rm
In a pair complete 10 sets of 2x 5,7.5,10m shuttles (alternating).
Met Con:
In a pair complete
thrusters 2×24/16kg kb’s
pull ups
deadlifts 110/75kg
strict ring dips
Strict muscle up 3xmax
Push Press 3,3,3,3,3
Met Con:
12 min AMRAP
6 hang clean & jerk 70/47.5kg
8 chest to bar pull ups
10 burpees
2 Snatches on the min for 8 mins
4 mins rest/prep for cleans
2 Cleans in the min for 8 mins
Met Con:
15 ball to shoulder 60/40kg
400m run
10 ball to shoulder
400m run
5 ball to shoulder
400m run
Gym closed
Power clean 4×3
Squat 5×5
Met Con:
3 rds
7 squat snatch 60/40kg
14 ring dips